Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The End Of Overeating By Dr. David Kessler

In this blog I will discuss the things that is happening in The End Of Overeating article by Dr. David Kessler. Also discussing the relations of the CAFOs How food is making animals and people eat more of the food. All the chemicals that are being put in the food is making us want to eat more and more of it. Scientist believe that the brain is what triggers us to eat the food that is bad for us, when we are hungry or not hungry. Even for the animals that scientists use for experiments to see what will happen by using different types of food groups. For example, David writes that, "French experiment demonstrates, animals will work for foods that are high in sugar and fat even if they are not hungry" (Kessler 30). This quote is important because, it brings out the truth of what is going on through the system of food that is made out of sugar and fat. People and animals can crave for things like if it was a drug that they cannot let go of and this is what happens when all different kinds of diseases comes through the body system like: diabetes, heart diseases, high blood pressure, etc. This needs to end if nothings done with it life is doomed with these disgusting habits that is craved for. Life is not about taking it for granted it's about living through a healthier way to look young and live longer.

1 comment:

  1. well i think that this was a very good blog post short and to the point. however when you say
    "Scientist believe that the brain is what triggers us to eat the food that is bad for us, when we are hungry or not hungry" you should elaborate on that idea more,why is it, is this really the brain sending these messages? and also quote an article that dirtectly says the brain triggers people to eat what is bad for us or to eat when we are not hungry. im not saying what your saying is wrong just you could do a better job in proving it. Also this quote "French experiment demonstrates, animals will work for foods that are high in sugar and fat even if they are not hungry" (Kessler 30). This quote is important because, it brings out the truth of what is going on through the system of food that is made out of sugar and fat. wouldn that just be because they taste better? not so much that the brain says oh this is bad for u get it but that the brain says this is delicious i want more of it? just a thought over all very good work.

    sincerly jordan k persad
